Wednesday 1 September 2010


NEL softcover, 1975. Central image (girl & alien) by Edd Cartier.

Painting by Malcolm Smith, on the cover of Imagination, June 1954.
Illustration by Hannes Bok, from his book The Sorcerer's Ship
Illustration by Henry Sharp, for William Tenn's The Last Bounce, from Fantastic Adventures,
September, 1950.
Illustration by Henry Sharp for Robert Adams' Empire Of Evil, from Amazing Stories, January 1951.

Illustration by Virgil Finlay for Abraham Merritt's The Snake Mother, from
Fantastic Novels, November 1940.

Illustration by Virgil Finlay for Leigh Brackett's The Big Jump, from
Space Stories, February, 1953.

The Man From Mars - painting by Frank R. Paul, from the rear cover of
Fantastic Adventures, 1939.

The 'key' to Frank R. Paul's The Man From Mars.


  1. I love annotation F. Let's make sure they know it's atomic, shall we?

  2. Haha, I never noticed that before, and I've had this book for 15 years - how many times is it plausible to use the A-word?

  3. I remember this book from a university library, long ago; I loved that Malcolm Smith cover, and I can still recall the drawings by Henry Sharp (he is in the book, isn't he?), the Brian Lewis covers for SCIENCE FANTASY and NEW WORLDS, and Leydenfrost's eerily reptilian bridge from FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES. I would love to see these images again!

    Thank you for posting these beautiful scans -- especially this one:

    dq405 Mark

  4. Mark: Glad you enjoyed seeing this stuff again :-) Yes, there's lots of Henry Sharp's images in the book, and Leydenfrost's work is unforgettable! Watch this space, I'll probably update the post with some Sharp and Leydenfrost soon, I'll admit I was getting lazy with the scanner at this point. Regarding Brian Lewis, I should be getting a hold of the original NEW WORLDS and SCIENCE FANTASY magazines that he did the covers for soon, and will put them up as soon as possible. I bought the June 1958 issue that you linked just because I remember it so vividly from this book.

  5. >>Watch this space, I'll probably update the post with some Sharp and Leydenfrost soon

    >>I should be getting a hold of the original NEW WORLDS and SCIENCE FANTASY magazines that he did the covers for soon, and will put them up as soon as possible.

    Excellent news! And thank you -- good scans of Lewis have been very hard to find on the Web, and I would love to see more of his work.

    dq405 Mark

  6. dq405 Mark: You're welcome! :) Unfortunately the Leydenfrost stuff was too huge to scan, I'm always on the lookout for any magazines he worked on though. With a little luck those Brian Lewis illustrated covers should be mine in a few weeks. Can't imagine why I passed on the H. Sharp images first time around, the girl being whipped before an angry four-armed gorilla is quite an unforgettable image!
