Tuesday 8 September 2009


Dragon's Dream paperback, 1981. © Dragon's Dream, Peter Elson, Chris Moore.

Derelict II by Peter Elson

Painting for Stanley G. Weinbaum's short story collection A Martian Odyssey
by Peter Elson.

Cover for Philip K. Dick's novel The Unteleported Man by Chris Moore.
Cover for Paul French's novel The Big Sun Of Mercury by Chris Moore.


  1. You are a legend! My brother and I used to have this book when we were young and somehow lost it - it's a big part of what led me into a career as a Concept Artist.

    Thanks to you, I have rediscovered this book and both the artist's work. Just picked up a used copy on eBay. ;)

  2. We've just launched a website dedicated to displaying Peter's work. www.peterelson.co.uk The site contains over 300 of his images.
